Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is scratching considered self harm?

When I feel really low I starve myself ( was diagnosed with anorexia a few Months ago) and I have started to scratch my wrists and arms, is this considered self harm? I scratch with my fingers and leave marks, thanks :)

Why is it exactly that makes people nuts over facebook and twitter?

Facebook is more about the exclusivity of the social experience. It allows you to become very granular about security on what people can see about you and who you're connected to. You can be as open OR as private as you want with who you want, or not at all. Twitter is dumb.

I'm not bulimic.. am I?!?

I'm overweight.. 5ft 7.. 175 lbs.. but I do binge and purge. I wake up every morning.. feeling fine.. I go eat.. but it always turns into binging.. After I binge, I feel terrible. I hate it when I binge, I feel so fat when I binge, I feel like a big fatass when I do.. I always feel terrible after I do.. so what goes threw my mind is.. "I'm so fat.. I need to get rid of this.." so I purge. I have only been doing this for a week (the purging part) but if I binge I also might starve myself for a few days (depending on how much I binge) I hate gaining weight.. It's been becoming a huge fear.. Is this considered bulimia..? I'm 13 btw..

Who else is sick of justin bieber?! ?

Im soooooo SO. Tired of him like I used to love him but all his obsessed crazed fans have driven me up the wall im so tired of Justin Bieber EVERYWHERE GAH!!! I still like his music but jeez....Taylor lautners way hotter :)

Would it be less harmful to...?

Alright. I know it’s bad to starve yourself. I know the problems it can cause. I know all of that, so please don’t answer if that’s all you’re going to tell me. I want to know your opinions if you think it would be LESS harmful to take multivitamins and b12 supplements while doing so. Once again, I am aware of how bad starving yourself is. You don’t know my life, so please don’t criticize me on my decision to do so.

Should we all recommend the Super gran 'Hand-Bag-Lady' for a medal?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do Brown pants, gray top and red sweater jacket go together?

neutrals (browns, blacks, grays, navys) can look really chic together when wore correctly. i would suggest doing a google search on how to wear neutrals together in order to get a better idea, but i would honestly say why not, as long as you wear the outfit confidently.

Computer laptop cooling pad help?

You canned air to clean the intake and exhaust vents of your laptop. The cooling pad needs to blow air on where the laptop's intake is positioned, one well placed fan blowing there is the only place that will make a difference. Multiple fans will only add noise and run down the battery faster since most are usb powered. You may be able to get away without one by placing the laptop on your lap without blocking the intake vent of your laptop.

Why are some people reluctant to visit Socialism upon their children when libs say it's all good?

Why does my son leave his two dogs in a cage to starve?

I visited my 30 year old son house two days ago and he has to beautiful dogs but I was disgusted at what I saw, his two dogs are so thing and starved to death. I think they will die in starvation if he doesn't feed them, I have talked to him about it and he said that it's none of m business and it's his dogs and he will feed them when he thinks they deserved to be fed. I told him he could go to jail and he just ignored me, what can I do? This is cruelty. II love my son but I seriously think I will throw up if I go over his house to see walking dog skeletons.

Do you starve yourself? How long did it take you to lose weight and how much was lost?

Okay, so I'm SUPER fat. I'm 13 years old, 5ft 4", 130 pounds (something like that anyways). I starve myself but for some reason the weight wont seem to go away this time. -.- Don't give me the "Don't do it, it's bad for you,you'll gain it back if you eat again, blah blah." I know okay? I am aware of all the health risks. Obviously I don't care. I don't care if it kills me as long as I die beautiful (or what I think is beautiful for that matter) Everyone says I'm fine the way I am, but their lying because they feel they have to. Anyways, please answer the exact question not "your losing muscle not fat, you'll be weak, don't do it, you won't lose weight" because that's not what the question is asking. Thanks! :)

Wanna read these lyrics?

You gotta be f*cking joking. How can even begin to attempt to write a song (and a rap song no less, based on the look of it) if you can't even spell properly? Rap is a genre all about the words, and you cant even spell them, use proper punctuation, or capitalization, or anything. Honestly, those are the absolute basics of songwriting. You might need to go back to square one.

I do anything I can to harm myself?

Lately I've been in a bad way. I've been starving myself, cutting myself, burning myself, even overdosing... just to hurt myself. I feel like I need to punish myself, like I'm a bad person who is just a burden to everyone. Like I am better off dead. I don't know who to turn to anymore. I've tried therapy, counselling... everything. Nothing helps. I'm starting to think I should just end it all. Who do I turn to now... what do I do? I just can't think straight.

What exactly is dieting?

What exactly is dieting? Is it when people make themselves starve and not eat any food? What's the opposite of dieting?

Opium of the people (millions of unemployed people) sitting at home watching the entourage of aristocrats?

How true, how sad that the media and the average people make such a frenzy over such nonsense, same here in the states !

How do i get my mom to leave me alone?

she calls me a dumb *** saying i ain't smart and her soon to be husband eats all he food from me i starve all the time and she won't let me see my cousins or nobody please help and i packed my bags but don't know where to go i am only fifth teen

Will this fit my iPhone 4?

Sangakka leads Sachin,Murali and Afridi?

Perfect. Though I reckon Dhoni is the best captain in the sub continent, Sangkara's dominance with the bat gave him an edge over Dhoni.

Issues with anorexic behaviors, please help!?

Lately, I've been having "anorexic thoughts". All i usually think about is losing weight, starving myself, and how I sort of detest food. I actually have started eating next to nothing, too... I'm very scared, what should I do?? Please help me!!!

Why does our body burn off muscle before fat?

When we starve ourselves, how come our muscle is burned off first??? Shouldn't the fat be burned off first since it is after all, stored energy?? Also, is this the case with an overweight/obese person, since they have more fat than a healthy person?

I am a lesbian... now what?

i remember when lonely was my middle name... i know how you feel hon. if you truly are lesbian you just need to accept and embrace it, look around your area and hunt for fellow lesbians and get into a relationship. you need to learn to break out of your "fashion show" mood and learn to touch and taste. relationships arent as scary as you think, you just need to learn to trust people and go with your gut. best of luck love! :)

Prime minister says it is 'fine' to offer work placements to his friends' children, Its not what you know?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Friday, July 22, 2011

Which laptop is better for me?

Ok i reviewed the product and if i was you i would get the sony because of the gpu and according to this page the gpu has more juice (power) than the ati

Help! I'm home schooled and going to public school next year, what do I do?

Your over thinking waaay too much. To wake up, use your cell phone or ipod as an alarm if there's one on there and set like 4 alarms spaced 5mins apart each. Also place like 10ft away from where you sleep, eventually you will get annoyed and get up to turn them off.


So, my wife and I had decided to go to a late night movie. We did not have a babysitter and this kind gentleman called Pedro Bayer with a thick mexican mustache came to our house. He said he really likes lollies-which i assumed to be lollipops and i thought that he could identify with the children. When we got home we couldnt find Pedro Bayer or the kids, and I am so scared that the kids and Pedro Bayer were kidnapped by a crazed burglar. Help me find them please!

How do i feed baby jack rabbits?

i saved them from the neighbors dog...he dug up the hole and ate like 3 of them didnt come back for the rest of that day so this morning i got the surviving rabbits and brought them in. ANYWAY how do i feed them?...the have fur...eyes are still closed..they're still so little...i tried feeding them with a eyedropper but they dont really drink any :(...i feel like they are starving

Am I a fat pig?? Well yes I am?

My belly is starving!!! Let's get sweets!! Lots and LOTS of SWEETS!!! Doughnuts, chocolate, and cake. Mmmm

Help me with my weight issue!?

Ok so I have been trying to lose weight. I start off EVERY MORNING as the same weight EVERYDAY!! I sometime starve myself for the day but it doesnt matter what I do because at the end of the day I gain at least 3 pounds but when I wake up, I'm back at my starting weight. I must excerise with weights and cardio for 2 hours everyday but at the end of the dai I still gain 3+ pounds even if I dont eat that much that day. HELP!!

Can I upgrade my laptop video card? -Sony Vaio VPCEB33FM-?

I have this laptop and I was wondering if I was able to upgrade the graphics card. I would like to play games on it like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Which graphics card would I need?

Dip dying extensions blue?

Hey, I really like the dip dyed (ombr� craze) but I don't wanna wreak my hair!! Is it possible to dip dye the ends of my real hair extensions (clip ins) blue? Will it look good? I was thinking of keeping 3 of my side extensions blonde( they go all around my head when in) and dying one whole head extension blue!? Will this look good? I have blonde hair. Thankyou!!

I have a stomach problem that i need help with. can anyone help?

my stomach has been feeling strange and im in a little bit of pain. i haven't been able to eat right for a couple days. every time i eat i feel full after the first couple bites. then later i will get hungry again and still will feel full. it started a couple days ago and i think its because i ate some crackers that were not good. but i also am lactose intolerant and drank milk a week ago. it is making me not sleep right. i will wake up around 3 in the morning feeling starving. it has also been making me poop but only a little at a time. i usually do it 1 time a day, but now its 3-4 times. i haven't gone to the doctors yet so i thought i could figure it out on my own, but i haven't matched anything i have looked up. it isn't always hurting it will just randomly happen.

Why is a lot of young people Scamming and frauding welfare or Ssa to get SSi?

i mean i know young people that's young around my age frauding and scamming the system to get ssi. they claimed that there no jobs that is hiring, and the jobs that were hiring you needed exp. so that was there last resort to survive was to fraud for ssi or welfare. Do you think its right i mean no one wants to be homeless or starve to death or not have no money to support yourself?

Hi, i am 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and dont really have any symptoms. is that normal?

i had a little nausea this morning but it went away after i lay down for a while. some days i am starving all day long other days i feel just normal. my breasts dont hurt i dont throw up. i am a bit more tired though. please help me. i had a miscarriage back in april and really want to feeel pregnant. ( DO YOU ALL THINK IM AM BEING PARANOID?

When God hears the prayer of a starving child and the prayer of a sports figure, how does He know which one...? grant? Why does the sports figure often get what he prays for while the starving child doesn't?

What happened to Skype?

I realize it's still around. But it's not as popular as it used to be. Go back a year or year and half... Skype was the latest craze back then. But now people barely use it. Why did the popularity of Skype suddenly plummet?

How much weight would you lose if you starve for 3 days ?

I don't think you would lose any weight actualy. Your body would go into survival mode and would store the fat and energy you already had so you wouldn't end up losing any weight. You would just be putting yourself through torture for not eating! It would also make it worse if you were working out!

How can i convince my parents to let me get a convertible?

I have a Sebring convertible ,and I worry,a little about if it were to turn over...but if your a mature,safe driver,you should be to Car dealers about the safety features or risk involved in the convertible.

How can i get my dog to gain weight?

Hi, i have an 8 year old boxer mix. She was orginally a goo 45 pounds and very healthy and muscular, then she started rapidly losing weight, she go t down to 19 pounds and we took her to the vet and all her blood work was good, they did x-rays and she looked perfectly healthy and all the vet could come up with is that she has irritable bowel syndrome, so they put her on prednisone, famotidine, and tylan powder. it has been maybe 5 or 6 months and i took her to the vet and she weighed 23 pounds so she gained some weight, but you can still see her ribs and her backbone, she is a happy little girl you cant tell shes sick except she acts like shes starving all the time and she gets fed twice a day. so i didnt know if anyone had any ways i could help her gain weight, please and thankyou

What should I wear with this top?

I purchased this gold top a few months ago thinking i could wear it with a pair of dark dressy jeans, but it looks awkward with blue denim...and its been sitting in my closet since December, untouched. I have a very curvy figure (large hips) and can't pull of the skinny pant leg look pictured here. What would you suggest I pair this with?

My budgie is not eating out of food bowl?

You should put the cage right beside the parents cage so it wont be so upset at least it will hear and see the mother and father and they cant get near it because they are in separate cages if you do this the baby will start eating again and will be fine.Hope I helped.

American company win the �150m contract to run the UK census,CIA have total access to all these UK records?

The CIA and all government and private corporations working for them already have all your private information. I hate to tell you.

Why and how did Dubstep suddenly become popular?

I have been a big fan of electronic music for quite some time now but why has Dubstep become so popular lately? Within the last year or so it seems like Dubstep went from being a relatively obscure genre to a well known craze. A lot of people who don't know any electronic music now think its "cool" to listen to Dubstep. Don't get me wrong dubstep is totally okay and some of it is really good but I think there is better electronic music out there. What made it so popular all the sudden?

Wtf i never knew my hubby would stoop this low!! Its not my fault its another girl!!?

I found out that I'm expecting another girl I have a 10 month old daughter at the moment. My hubby has this craze to have a boy so that his family name can move on and cause having a son will make him feel like a real man. he is so sexist and he says its my fault cause my family has a lot of girls the dumb prick doesn't believe that the sperm carries the GENDER! His behaviour is unbelievable and he Wants to have a divorce and marry a girl who can produce boys. because I have no friends or family support I have to go through the women's shelter and move on but I'm so scared but at the same time I know its the right choice cause he is not a real husband his a sooky and just cause he works he makes it look like his the only 1 in this world who does I'm fed up I hate him he makes me sick! But I'm scared to be alone all my life I'm already half insane please help?

If I skip meals then eat something healthy will I gain weight?

I know most people say if you starve and then return back to your regular diet you will gain all that you lost back, which I believe to be is true. I was wondering is it the same if you skip like breakfast ate some fruit then skipped dinner and then then next day have a 1000 calorie diet back then maybe skip the next day. I think i might lose weight if I keep it up. I just wanted to know from people who have done that. I only want to hear it from people that are pro weight loss. Maybe even anorexics, I'm not anorexic but I am desperately trying to lose weight even if the weight loss is temporary.

Help me find these shoes (or something similar) in a size 8?

Why does this happen to me?

After reading that, i am sad. But did you really want to join the military, think back when you did, did you really want it? What did you really want to do? Think about something you want to do and when you are able to get out of the military strive to get it.

Your thoughts on this song clip?

I've been following Christina Grimmie (the one singing this song) for a long time, so of course I'm going to think anything she writes is good...But I'm just wondering for those who don't personally follow her, what do you think of this portion of this song? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Please be honest.

Never had a boyfriend before?

heey raman its me louie XD hows it going XD, err to answer the question id say just relax and be yourself don't try to be something your not, your stunningly pretty and you seem really smart and nice you'll get plenty of attention from guys im sure just up to you to pick one out from the long queue :)

Stressed, sick of parents, my mood is just bla. please help.?

so today i got a test back and i did really bad. it got me really down because i thought i did well, but apparently not. to make things worse, when my dad picked me up he was in a bad mood and took it out on me, he spazzed at everything. when my bag accidently hit his mobile he through a fit. he got pissed off when a girl crossed the road at the wrong time. he called me stupid - maybe as a joke but i don't care, he doesn't realise that it bloody pisses the hell out of me. when we got home he got in a better mood and tried joking around with me but i'm just so angry today that i just ignore him but in my mind im swearing at him and telling him to go die. i have exams this week and i need to focus and study but i can't when my mind is just so BLA. i'm having one of those days where i feel low and can't be bothered doing anything, but i NEED to study. i just feel like staying distant from my family because of the negativity they bring in my life at times. i feel like making myself throw up (haven't done it before but always think about it), i feel like starving myself (haven't done it before, but i also think about it), and i feel like cutting - which i do do. i'm trying to stop myself but i'm afraid if one more thing annoys me i'm going to do it. i can just stay in my room and distance myself from them for the day but that's not going to get rid of the lowness i feel. and how i feel like i'm going to fail at some subjects because clearly i'm not doing well. it's all just overwhelming, i'm in my last year of high school and i'm so stressed because of exams and not knowing what to study in university. i just feel ****, help me.

Secretly loving your best female friend?

We're boy and girl and we're best friends. We just finished our first year of college. At one point we had a short fling after she broke up with her bf, i could tell she was getting tired of him and eventually ended it. Anyways, stuff happened and she got a boyfriend 3 or 4 months ago. I guess i still held feelings for her and still do though not as much. She's my best friend and aside from her boyfriend I'm second closest to her. We're so close in fact that people find it strange how much time we spend alone and what we do, but she's comfortable with it as am i because of what we are. But sometimes the love-crazed side of her takes over and she devotes everything to her bf. Ive written whole papers for her, stayed up all nite to wait for her texts, but if something is inconvenient for her she can seem a different person. She'll txt me but it wont be the same, txts that resemble status updates and mere acknowledgements to what i say, and i know on the otherside she's having a meaningful convo with her significant other. Thats just an example, and things like that torture me everyday tho i try not the think so much about them. im sure people have experienced something like this... how can i get over it? I feel when im with her or having a great convo with her i dont even need a gf

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have you ever seen the cone-ing craze happen in real?

Or have you tried it yourself? What do you think of it? For those who don't know what it is, it's basically ordering a soft serve cone from a Maccas drive-thru and holding it by the ice-cream then eating it bottom-up.

Im 13, I hate my LIFE. I wanna die!?

Im overweight , im ugly, and my life is so useless. Ever since i started sixth grade, my grades have been going downhill. I made honor roll every grade. Now i have D's and E's. I also hate how I look, everyone says im so pretty, or beautiful , but i know im not. I have a gap in my teeth, but im getting braces in a couple weeks so i dont really care about that anymore . Im also overweight , like 180 some pounds . I cut myself because it hurts my feelings when people pick on me about my weight , and say mean things about me. People call me stupid cause I cut myself, but I dont care. I wanna starve myself so i can get over this 'fat phase'. Some days i love life, others I just wanna lay down and die. So how do i starve myself to make me feel prettier inside and out? And what should i do about the way i feel about myself?

Thoughts on the coral craze?

So, I know coral has been super in lately and I was just wondering what you guys think about the trend? Do you think there are any requirements to be able to pull of the trend? What are some coral products that you like? Thankss <3

Need help finding these shoes for my wedding.?

maybe dsw or nine west they always have sales mostly dsw. i have gotten shoes at both places before, and the shoes last a long time many to chose from. good luck on your wedding day i hope everything goes well =D

Fuel Injectors not working?

I have a 1998 Ford Explorer 4.0l, automatic. The fuel injectors are not working, i used a noid light on all of them, the light did not blink on any injector while cranking the engine. I have power to the injectors with the key on. A friend that works for Ford told me CMP sensor, i replaced it and still nothing. I am lost on this one. In the past month it has started a few times, but the next day will not start. It has spark it will always fire with ether, but wont start! Any ideas on this one?

What is the fastest way to lose weight!?

I don't mind excersize but I can't stand starving myself. I only need to lose some post-baby love handles. Maybe 20lbs at the most. What the most effective method?

What would you rate my essay, A, B,C etc.?

I would give it a B.I wrote my essays just like you and I always got a B. But the reason was that I didn't have enough parenthetical references.I think you could use some more of that and you could add a little bit more analysis to your individual paragraphs

The ACORN crime syndicate didn't really disolve, it just rebranded itself. Where is the Justice Department?

Who is really the crazy one in my family?

Wow, that was long. Haha, but it seems to me that you have some serious issues with your mom. Everyone gets annoyed by their parents certain qualities, but it seems like you hate her. Also, your question was basically asking "who's crazier." You didn't really give us too much background on your issues, so I can't exactly answer that question, however, I can answer your other one. If I were in your situation, I would talk to the other members of my family, see what they think, then confront your mother all at once. Don't gang up on her though, that's not the point. The point is to get her help. Be civil about it, and maybe she'll think about going to therapy. Hope I helped. Good luck with your situation.

Should this computer run good on starcraft 2?

its still a very weak video card, but the psu is also pretty weak so it might not support a better card anyways. but i would have to say the videocard is the bottleneck

How can I ACTUALLY lose weight?

Google ski team diet you lose 10 pounds a week I used it and It work but you need comitment no junk food at all try swimming you'll lose 5+ pounds with sky team diet making it a total of 30 pounds in two weeks

I get depressed about how low my country has become..?

you think this is bad, don't travel to the US. the Us is really a mess. Progressives, liberals took over.the country is in decline.

Which mini laptop is better? Acer Aspire One Black 10.1 or Samsung - Netbook / Intel� Atom?

There probably isn't much difference, however, i strongly encourage you to get your hands on both of them, and make sure that from an ergonomic and general use aspect, they are suitable. I bought a netbook and after 3 months, stopped using it and bought a laptop. Netbooks are fine for surfing but i had a really hard time seeing the screen and the keyboard was a pain. I'd also check out small laptop, like the 13 inch ones and see if one of those would work for you.

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

Yes. You should. Get your daily newspaper to write a story about your experience, THAT Sorority, and the way you were treated. Expose Them....and warn the others from joining.

Would guys be willing to date a teen that lost it to a 22 year old?

i feel sooo bad...i promised myself i wouldn't have sex until i was married, then ended up losing it to my 22 year old boyfriend :/ i regret it more than anything, because he was just losing me. it sucks that my first was a selfish sex crazed jerk, but would guys still be willing to date me? i still have a lot to offer and really want to move on!! i'm 16 btw


Hello, My name is Mario, i am 13 years old, bmi of 27.5, 5 foot 6, and 165 pounds,my metabolism used to be lighting quick when i was in egypt (my home country) but when i came to the U.S. i started gaining lots and lots of weight, and im fat, and im not proud of my body! I NEED TO DROP OFF 30 POUNDS, SO I COULD BE NORMAL WEIGHT, 30 POUNDS OR MORE pleaseeeeeee help me, i will do anything, I will starve myself for days, i did it before, please help! thank u

Would you consider this 'typical' for a young adult vampire novel?

It sounds like you have some interesting ideas, and it's definitely well thought out. I'm personally not a fan of vampires myself, but it sounds like a story I might give a shot if a friend of mine told me it was something they had liked., not typical at all. And don't worry about what everybody else is doing...there's always room out there for good ideas.

My dog is suddenly attacking the other dogs for food?

My jack russll has always been sweet and playful he has never been aggressive except to people that present a threat. however lately he has been attacking my chipoodle and Chihuahua over food they have eaten with each other since they were puppies so I’m trying to understand his new found aggression over food. he was fixed about three years ago I don’t know if that’s a factor since all the dogs have been fixed. they eat regularly so i know that he’s not doing it because he’s starving now I have to separate them he is becoming a danger to the other dogs but he has never attacked the people he knows that get near him

What do you think about this outfit for a concert? Help :)?

omg that is perfect for panic at the disco! so cute and major comfy! and its great to have a cute denim jacket over top that you can always take off. it has the right amount of edge. awesome outit =)

Will This computer be able to play "The Sims Medieval?"?

I am planning on buying a new computer that is in my price range and i was wondering if one of you guys could tell me if it would be able to play "The Sims Medieval".. Thank you! (here is the computer.) a href="®+Celeron®+Processor+/+15.6%22+Display+-+Black/1846161.p?id=1218296198127&skuId=1846161&cmp=RMX&ky=2l7iu7WW6y6G6zeAAu6zdTxvwgJl1CVQt" rel="nofollow"…/a

Anorexia and counsellor ?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in January and carried on losing weight, I put abit of weight on to make my tutor and counsellor happy for when I completed college which was 2 weeks ago, I have lost all the weight I put on by starving myself for 4 days and lost more aswell :/ I have lost 6lbs since I finished college 2 weeks ago, I forgot that I have to see my counsellor 2mo for a catchup to see how I'm doing :/ I don't know what to do! Because if they see ive lost weight they will ring up clinics for inpatient treatment and its guaranteed they will weigh me 2mo aswell :/ what should I do?? Thanks

Is it time for Auto-Ordanance /Kahr Arms to make an M1 Garand repo ?

Springfield Armory made them for a while if that's any help to you. Keep in mind that the old GI ones tend to have more forged parts while the civilian ones are usually cast. Had the carbine at one point and it was a blast. From what I've read the Korean War era Garands are the best provided the rifling is intact.

NRHH: Which Headphones should i get?

i have had my beats(the white ones) for about a year now... and out of 365 days i have probably used them 350 of those days. they are worth the money

How many calories should i eat to lose weight?

A normal teenage girl should eat between 1500-2000 calories between. Eat when you're hungry, try to stick to fruits and don't indulge on anything sweat until you've tried drinking first (most times people mix hunger and thirst) and have eaten a healthy substitute. However, it won't destroy you to reward yourself once in a while.

I need help with a fantasy story?

I've been working on this story about werewolves for a while now. (No, Twilight did not inspire me). And the story, characters, and plot are coming naturally to me. But I keep hearing all of this backlash regarding werewolves because they are "overused". I thought the vampire and werewolf craze would die down eventually, but they keep making more crap such as Teen Wolf, which is making people hate werewolves even more. I thought my story line was original enough since it did not include a werewolf-human paranormal romance, high school, or vampires. Not to mention the protagonist was a female and I rarely see female werewolves. So I tried using different fantasy creatures but it halted my story and my ideas ebbed away. I don't know what to do. Should I still write about werewolves even though people think they are overused, or should I try a different fantasy creature?

Hyper Jack russell driving us nuts, crate

you need to get up early and exercise the dog to the point of exhaustion every day before you go to work, at least an hour of strenous exercise ... you do not have to come home during the day as that only gets the dogs worked up and both of your dogs are old enough to hold it ... but when you get home the dog requires another hour of strenuous activity ... and don't forget a walk before bed ... the fastest and most efficient way is if you have a bike or rollerblades ... you can not leave a jack russell in a crate for a full workday without wearing the dog out first ... and your jack russell will not have to be crated for life ... i do not crate mine (she was crated till her first birthday) anymore and she has never soiled or damaged anything ... she is calm and quiet in the apartment ... but i take the time to make sure she is worn out physically so inside she just wants to sleep ... jack russells, despite their small size, require more exercise than a lab ... and when they do not get enough exercise, stimulation they turn their intense amount of energy to barking, aggression, destructiveness ... the obedience classes were great for my jack and i am sure will be very helpful for yours ...

Buying a Royal Enfield?

its a good choice of buying an enfield...if its a used one as u say,i don feel its worth of 60k...u can buy a new one instead...its not a big deal to learn,it depends on ur craze an interest.the looks and handling totally rests wit ur physical ability an persona....its suits to both lean an fat bodies...give some weightage to height matters.thunderbird wud be a good choice.anywys happy riding.

Folding a Canadian Flag?

No, ours doesn't show well when folded like the US one does. I think the best you could do is just fold both ends under, leaving maybe just a hint of the red bars showing. Means that the box would have to be almost half the size of an unfolded flag, very awkward. Or get very tricky and make folds through the middle of the leaf to leave some points of the leaf showing, but that would just about have to be sewn in place to stay that way. I checked the Flag Shop website and they give the same process as the site you have.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My boyfriend and i are going to different colleges?

so my boyfriend and i are both seniors in high school, and we're getting ready to go to college in the fall. we've been dating since the beginning of junior year, so its gunna be 2 years in a couple months. the only thing is, he's going to USC and im going to yale. we live in chicago so he's choosing to go really far away, and im nervous. i love him so much and i know he loves me but USC is known for having hot girls that are smart and love to party. and my boyfriend is (not trying to like brag or anything) but he's really attractive to most girls, and before we started dating he loved to go to a lot of concerts and parties and hook up with the girls he met there. im just scared that once we're so far apart, and in two basic worlds pretty much since USC and yale are about as opposite as you can get, he'll start to get back into the party vibe surrounded by all these beautiful girls and cheat on me. and sure its easy to say "oh it might not happen" but i feel like i'll be driving myself crazing wondering if it is. any advice?

Early pregnancy of AF just late?

I think you're period is just late. The only symptom I had was sore nipples with white dots in them. I think our bodies make us believe we are pregnant when we're really not but if you wanna put your mind at ease, take a test. It should definitely tell you by now.

Why is Japan the only developed country in Asia (read carefully please)?

Immigrants from almost all Asian countries (including India) seem to do well in America. Why is Japan the only one that is rich? After all, they were the only one to declare war on America, unless you count Vietnam! I know America helped to industrialize Japan along with Germany, Israel and other countries after World War II. But that raises another question: why did America do so much to help countries that were hostile to it? Were the Russians/Soviets really an enemy? Why have we let them starve to this day? Why do we let Africans starve and even their descendants in our own country? If America actually thanked the communists for their help in fighting the Nazis, would the Cubans/Vietnamese have left us alone?

How much weight would you lose if you starve your self 3 days ?

not much. and she'd likely faint somewhere along the way, or at the very least feel like absolute ****

Is iTunes safe to download on a laptop w/ only Norton Antivirus? How does it work?

I recently just got a laptop (my desktop cmp is really old and having problems) and I wanted to start downloading music to put on my phone. I know that LimeWire is no longer available and I don't know of any other safe & reliable download programs that have free music downloads so I was thinking of doing iTunes. I've never used iTunes before so once I download it, how does it work? Is it very expensive? I'm honestly not interested in paying out the *** for music I can download for free somewhere. Please help ASAP, thanks so much.

How much calories does an anorexic eat in a day?

I'm going to be the one person on here who gives a realistic answer, lol. I think Anorexic people typically consume around 500-1000 Calories a day, if the Anorexic is a calorie counter. Some Anorexics that I've known actually over eat, or simply eat things that have a ton of Carbs but nothing else, like Chips, Soda, that sort of thing. Anorexics tend to think they don't need to workout, because they feel that they don't have anything to burn, because they are already skinny, when the reality is they need to eat more, and excercise more. I know most Anorexics do Mild Cardio when they workout, and occasionally SitUps, but not much else. Some of them run track wildy, it really depends on the person. I believe Calorie wise it also depends on what they choose to eat, and whether they have a high or low metabolism.

I need help with a diet?

you might hav a slow metabolism since youre dieting or starving yourself. eat until youre full. just eat the healthier things.

Ways for a 15 year old girl to lose about 3 pounds?

How should a 15 year old girl go about losing 3 pounds? I am already very active and running or getting some kind of intense workout 5 to 6 days a week. I am pretty small already but I think it'd be beneficial to my running if I shed just about 3 pounds. How should I go about this while still staying strong and not starving myself? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks so much!

How to get over finding out your dad watches porn?

Oh gawd, I'm really traumatized now. I just went up to our upstairs computer to check my grades, and once I log out, I get this whole other window of some girl....ughhh....and then it all hit me o.o.....HOW CAN I GET THIS OUT OF MY MIND. I've always looked up to my dad, but now I see him somewhat on the same level as the hormone-crazed guys at my school....

Am I starving myself or becoming Anorexic? or even Period Pains?

Lately ive been sleeping during day awake 2 night and i was asleep and i woke up from a stomachache. I thought i was hungry but i ate the ceasar salad my dad brought me from work and it still hurted. So i thought i had to go to and i did when i noticed i was on my period. Then i went to my room turned the fan on but it was too cold but felt good BUT it made my stomach hurt. Now I'm not eating anymore. Not that i don't want any but i'm full. I just ate the chicken breast and some greens. I still see my plate half full i only ate like 5-4 chicken breasts.. anyways which one is it from above? Please answer Best answer 10 points :)

Why is Naruto so popular?

Okay, so let me tell you(the big bang) OMG, sorry I just can't wait to write Miley Cyrus song Which I am listening The Big Bang, Okay. . . so, um, Its really nice, not my favorite but actually it got really nice background musics, ha-ha that attracts me the most(weird, right?). Okay, but it still got a really dark, and mysterious, lonely, revenge, love(as usual) thingie going on in the current episode 214, you shouldn't just judge it just after reading a little about it. The big big bang, the reason I'm alive. When all the stars collide, in this universe inside. The big big bang (whistling) ugh, sorry again. but I guess you should listen it as well. And ruin this song, thats how I do, so that i can enjoy, have fun you know..=D

Help!! My cockatiel seems sick!! D:?

My cockatiel, Shannon, has laid 3 eggs recently and my male cockatiel, Shadow, has been very aggressive toward anything that moved. Shadow always seems so kind and caring one second and then the next, he's a crazed killer and just about rips poor Shannon apart :( Her feet are all torn apart and stripped of skin. We want to separate them but shannon needs the box of eggs to lay eggs and shadow needs to sit on the eggs. I was just wondering if Shannon will be alright, she can barely walk and hold onto perches. My mom wouldn't let me clean her wounds so theres still blood all over her. My mom refuses to let me wash Shannon's feet and then dry them wen they are clean. She instead made Shannon sit there bleeding for half an hour until it dried. Now the blood is stained everywhere on her feet and feathers. My mom had to be stubborn.

Does anyone else get sad about how low the UK has become?

What a miserable way to think of our own nation. I'm 38 and yes, this country has changed in many ways since I was a child, but it's often been for the better. I grew up in a slum in the East End of London with no heating or hot water. I spent the first 16 years of my life living in three rooms with 7 other people. That doesn't happen today. As for the immigrants, most of them are white Europeans who are as entitled to live here as we are in mainland Europe. (Two million Britons live in Spain alone and if that isn't mass immigration as far as the Spanish are concerned, I don't know what is). As for our traditions being "long gone" that again is not true. St George's day is celebrated almost everywhere in England and if you go to almost any rural village on May Day there are celebrations galore! (I now live in a rural village). The crime situation concerns me a lot (being a prison officer) and the lack of respect youngsters have for their elders. The figures actually suggest that crime has been falling steadily since the mid 1990s and that we are less violent now than at almost any other time in our history. You need facts, not Daily Mail scare stories. Our nation is not what you think it is (nor as miserable as you obviously are about the situation).

Good planking ideas guys?

Live in the suburbs and am keen to join in this whole planking craze where you lie down on random objects! if you have any creative ideas - let me know! thanks guys xxx

Are our lives really that stressful?

Yes, I think so. I think that's why I like old t.v. shows that were before my time. A time of innocence and do it yourself. Now do it yourself (diy) is such a big deal. I love the idea of a simple life. People do whine too much. Others whining has changed my ways of living and dealings with most everyone.

Will Camoron do anything to combat poverty?

No, as most poverty is in England, and we all know that Dangerous Dave doesn't give a fig about England or the English....

Does Justin Bieber have a tattoo?

I'm not a justin bieber fan at all. i just want to let everyone know that but yes he does, it's like a bird or something on his hip. I ONLY KNOW THIS BECAUSE A TON OF MY FRIENDS LIKE HIM. IM NOT A FAN NOR WILL I EVER BE

Why do girls like to show off their bodies and act naughty?

Not to be sexist...but personally, I've come across a lot of remarks of how guys are all perverted and such. If so, then why is it that theres sooooo many girls who seem to act 'naughty' ? Even at parties, its the GIRLS that tend to go wild and start showing off their bodies as a reaction to the party craze. Most of the time its the girls who are having a blast and start to randomly take off their clothes. People are also always talking about how girls post naughty videos of themselves on the internet which guys dont do at all. Again, not trying to be sexist but I always used to think that girls were mostly all timid and innocent but now they seem more wild...? Is there a reason why they do this though? I know a lot of girls who used to be shy and now theyre constantly going to clubs and surrounding themselves with 'cool' and 'bad' people. What is it exactly that sets on some girls to always seem to be acting 'dirty'? Or why do they seem to have a desire for it? Is it the society that makes them do this or is it some kind of human instinct (lol)?

When is this vampire craze going to end. And when it does what will be next, could be anything right?

It's probably zombies next, who knows. And obviously the whole vampire craze was started by preteens and their middle-age moms. As Freud would say, it's really about sex.

Guys is it personal or will it always be like this for me?

Guys will sell there soul for big boobs, you'll just have to make the best of it. I have found that once I get to know a person, the looks department doesn't count as much, it's more about if you are fun to be with.

Thinking about going on a celebrity cruise but i am not sure ?

Yeah go! Sounds like it would be tons of fun and maybe you could even meet them if you are lucky! Take the chances and go there will be people there that won't be drinking.

Weird dream about kittens?

I had a dream that I was living in this really old big house, even though I have never seen it before in my life. In the dream my friend and I went upstairs to this area which kind of looked like a attic. In the attic there was a litter of black kittens, but also a small child appeared. The boy looked about 3 yrs old, and he had blonde hair. He also appeared to be filthy, starved, and dehydrated, and he was also shirtless. Can some one help me figure out what this odd dream means?

Is my wife controlling?

Since it is important to your wife that you eat what she cooks and you are basically ignoring her simple request, you are being insensitive. At the same time she is being controlling and overreacting to the situation. Is there some other issue(s) in this equation that you are missing? She could be projecting other problems onto the meal which might explain the severe reaction. But in the end you are both wrong and need to communicate better and consider each others feelings more.

Does this happen to anyone elses cat?

When i go to youtube and i go to a video that has a cat meowing she goes crazing and jumps on the computer and rubs my head. She is 8-9 years old

Pics from iphone to cmp?

Ok- so heres the thing. Apple and iPhones r super confusing so idk if my way is gonna work. Whenever u plug in your iphone (this pops up on my ipod touch) a box pops up, not itunes, but a box and it shows ur device and says stuff u can do like open to view files or import files. Well, click import (or export idk which one) and click photos. And youll be able to import the photos that r on ur iPhone to ur laptop. This is not a fool-proof plan but it SHOULD work. Hope i helped. :)

Dizziness, nausea, weight gain with normal thyroid levels, please help?

I am 31yrs, relatively healthy until about 2 years ago when I had my twins. Shortly after delivering them by c-section, I've had dizziness that 1st starts with a sick/nauseous feeling in my upper stomach then turns to dizziness(feeling of fainting, not that the room is spinning), then have a feeling in my neck like a chocking feeling. I've gained weight in upper body with my face more round/fuller (even with excercising & bearly eating due to nausea). My docs have checked all checkables, thyroid, cbc, cmp,ANA, hormones, done CT of brain & neck I've being to endocrinologists, the only lab that was abnormal was the estrogen which was zero, actually not detectable. I feel like I am slowing dying & no one knows whats wrong with me. I can't stand this dizziness, nausea & weight gain thing. PLEASE HELP

From which equation do i get this: Cmv=3R/2 and Cmp=5R/2 for perfect gases with single atom?

I've done this before. Don't remember how exactly, but I'm pretty sure it comes from some creative manipulation of the ideal gas law and the first law of thermo

Ordering a cell phone? Payment question?

You could get a much better price for a much better phone. Well you can get an anDroid phone for free if its with a plan. Take a look at the link below, we offer pricing cheaper then any retail location and most online stores. Hope this helps.

What to do when a girl tells you this..?

Wow :/ how super sweet of you to not want to be a jerk to her. I can see why she likes you so much. It is sad that she would go to such levels to be with you and that she does not have more respect for herself, but dont tell her that! That is just between you and me. You are very nice and I would suggest that you tell her that you are very flattered, but you are not interested in her at all. Be completely honest with her. If you have to say something negative to someone you can pad it with a positive comment first if you want to be helpful. Another example is " you are a very nice girl, but I am completely not interested". That is honest and it is not being a jerk. If she continues, just keep repeating yourself. She will eventually get it. Sometimes people have to hear the word no or have to hear something at least 3 times before they get it. Good luck my friend :) and good job not being a jerk. There's enough of those in this world, and its nice to see that you are not one of em :)

Am i over - excersising??

i run 7 - 12 miles a day ,even when i get tired i keep running because the demand to lose weight keeps me going. i do about 4 hours of excersise every day. i run in any condition including the extreme summer heat here in death valley. i am 14 years old and im 220 lbs 5 feet 8 inches tall. My first wake up call was about last week when i was playing xbox and i could hear my heavy breathing in the silence. also i can't tie my shoes without a chair anymore so i started running , the first 2 days were looking bad i was having aches and soreness but i kept going even when i lost my breath and was sore, now it dosent bother me at all. i actually feel more mobile now and i feel fantastic after 7 miles ,i feel like i could keep going but the heat gets scary out here. i also do 10 push ups and 50 sit ups. I am not starving myself but i only eat when im hungry , i used to eat things just because they looked yummy and not because i was hungry. but i have changed ..will i effectivly lose weight by december? if so whats your estimate of what my weight wil be in december. i have lost 3 lbs already in just 7 days.

Calorie question????

I'm trying to lose at least 5 pounds by the fourth of july so I've been being really active and eating better for the last few days. I think I burnt off 200 more calories than I took in today, and I wasn't starving myself I ate three nutritious meals with two snacks. I didn't stop moving all day and it was really fun, but I was wondering if I do this everyday from now on (burning 200 more calories than I'm taking in) will I lose the weight or just stay the same? I know that to lose a pound you have to burn roughly 3,500 calories, is the way I'm doing this healthy, should I take a more cautious approach, or eat more or what. Will I lose any weight at all? should I be more active?

Easy points, what should I wear with these boots?

Dark skinny jeans, navy blue or black leggings, or black lace floral leggings. You could always pair it with a white t-shirt and jeans with a long gold chain necklace. But a long light gray trench coat that flares out at the waist like a dress, would go really well with the boots.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Was anyone else as pissed over the twilight/mtv movie award craze!?

I think Harry Potter should have one ALL off those. Even if it is a teeny award, still. They should have one that kiss. I think it made Emma mad, hell i would have been!

If you were starving, would you eat an endangered species?

Say that no one else is around to see you and you're on the brink of death. There's an endangered animal sitting next to you. Would you eat it to live?

How do you think the next world war will begin?

God forbid it did happen, how do you think it would start? An assassination would set it off like the first World War? A crazed dicator gets ahold of a country like the 2nd World War? Or something else (ie- extremism, imperialism, etc...). Thanks and be thorough in your answers! :D

How does the AT&T GoPhone refill card work?

Ben is right, don't buy extra time cards as they won't work on a set plan. You can ask GoPhone customer service this question too.

Is this a good weight?

I am male and 5'7" and 18 year old and currently weigh 123lbs, is this an ok weight? I have lost alot of weight over the last few months due to starving myself, is this weight ok? Should I lose more and if I should how much should I lose?? Thanks

Will the hobbits save the world in 2012?

No, hobbits have a nasty obsession with jewelry .Just imagine how many Jewelry stores will get robbed!

My sister is allowed to do whatever she wants because she cries when she can't?

Pack your clothes, steal the keys to the car, take the car, drive to an insurance office, insure the car and keep going.

Had a sudden extreme case of sex craving?

So I saw a pretty looking girl and all of a sudden my body just went crazy. I went stiff and wanted to make out with her and rip off her clothes. It was extreme and this feeling lasted even after I couldn't see her anymore. I see a lot of girls hotter than this lady and I don't get all sex crazed like I did with this girl. Why is it so random?

My Bf never tells me am beautiful.?

your low self esteem is the reason for this question and it is ridiculous. try and feel good about yourself and stop asking stupid questions.

What are the steps for using linseed oil on my m1 garand?

I have a new repro stock from the cmp and it looks pretty dry. I would like to put a nice finish on it, but I've never done this before. So what do i do? Thanks!

Said I'm gaining weight!!!?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in march when I was in the hospital for the second time in 2 months, I haven't seen my grandparents since April and I saw them 2day and the first thing they said to me was that I was gaining weight and need to cut down on my food!! I can already see some of my old feelings coming back! I want to starve myself again and I can't stop crying! I managed to Handle gaining a few pounds but since they said that to me I feel like no matter what I do I can't make everyone happy!! What should I do? Also my parents are booking a holiday and are refusing me to go with them unless I gain weight because they don't want me on the beach with them :/

Scripting well cmp command question what is the command to open a file?

what i need is the command that is the same as getting to the file and clicking open thanx for your time

Could being dehydrated add weight to my body?

Don't starve yourself. Eat healthy. IF you spend too much time on video games (WoW) cut on that and focus on the exercise even more but don't over do it because muscle can also add weight and you get inaccurate results of how much fat weight is in you.

Parents aren't supportive :/ ?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in march when I was in the hospital for the second time in 2 months, I haven't seen my grandparents since April and I saw them 2day and the first thing they said to me was that I was gaining weight and need to cut down on my food!! I can already see some of my old feelings coming back! I want to starve myself again and I can't stop crying! I managed to Handle gaining a few pounds but since they said that to me I feel like no matter what I do I can't make everyone happy!! What should I do? Also my parents are booking a holiday and they have said that I can't go unless I gain weight, I have had a very rough year!

Poll: I need new high top sneakers, which one out of the 3 is your favorite?

I still like number two. But if you cannot get number two , the pink ones are actually pretty snazzy.

Apparently Ashley Cole SHOT someone?

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Why doesn't this girl believed i effed her man?

She may very well believe you, but the way you're going about it is more like harassment. It's the guy that was a butt head to you. Bug him. You have no reason to be hurting her.

Why are these two wringing their hands?

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I need a name for a youtube channel im starting...?

Hi, I am an upcoming editor, who edits Call of Duty videos and I need a good name for my channel. At the moment there are loads of editors on youtube, one especially called krayes (pronounced craze) and i was looking at that kind of name, 1-2 syllables, cool, original. Thanks.

Do you or your kids eat peanut butter?

I went to prom 3 times (juniors and sophomores weren't allowed unless invited by a senior...oh yeah I thought I was soooo cool haha). If I remember correctly they were Ryan, Brett, and Justin (my hubby!) lol :)

Am I going through a growth spurt?

Yes, you are going through a growth spurt. Everybody does during adolescence, and the amount you grow and the rate at which you grow has little to do with what you eat. Most girls get as tall as they're going to get by the time they get to be 18 years old, give or take a year or two. Now, the fact that you're feeling sick also has little to do with your growth spurt. Perhaps it's your first period developing, or perhaps you've got indigestion from eating too many different kinds of food at once, or perhaps some of the food you ate had food poisoning. At all events, see your doctor right away. If your bloat, warmth, and heart rate are due to nothing more than your menstrual cycle developing, it's better to be sure than sorry later.

Medifast Inc - Buy @ $22 a share?

I agree it do have a very strong support 16-17 on June 21,2009 pps was $8.75 then on may,12,2010 pps 52 Wk hight 36.78 profit almost x 4 awesome good for u! To bad u in @ $22 anyway still a good buy on my opinion it will not drop any more it only up and up ! Future cash flow every where. Good luck ! If I were u 50% profit out and wait for a drop 30% back in.good luck

Is my son entitled some of his fathers lump sum?

my 1 yr old sons father is being a right tos pot at the moment, i dont live with him he lives with his mum and dad, he is 34 though.hmm... he has just got a lump sum payout of 3,000 last month from his grandad who died last year. the trouble is he is a keen gambler ( i know im working on him for that) jackpot machines and horses, but in a month hes gone from 3,000 to 1900 in a month. i know exactly where its gone, i dont need to ask him. the trouble is he only gives me the cmp im entitled to and not a penny more, i just wondered if there was any law out there saying that our son was actually entitled to some of that money without him flitting it all away? ive got another daughter from a previous marriage (thank god im not married to this one, i learned my lesson the 1st time) and when we got divorced we had to sign something called a clean break order, which was basically if either of us (me or my ex husband came into any money we wouldnt be entitled to it), but it doesnt apply to any children we have together, they were still entitled to a percentage. So i just wondered if the same rule applied for my boyfriend and our son? please help, or guide us to some info websites or something where if the worst happen then at least i have a leg to stand on with my son. i only want whats rightfully his, if it is xxx

Motorcycle running problems Suzuki marauder 1997 VZ800?

is the air filter in the correct way... some only fit one way & if backwards they block the air flow..

Looking for a pair of ...?

i saw something similar to that in forever21 but i think it wasnt real leather altho it was cheaper!! just take a look at their website u might find it!!!

How can a 13 year old girl raise money?

Are there any dogs around? You could walk people's dogs? Unless ,of coarse, you don't like dogs or think this job is too childish.

Is it legal to have cameras in drug screening bathrooms?

im in a methadone clinic for opiates abuse, i have been for 5 yrs, and i am proud if where i am right now!! my problem is today i had to screen and they have put a live feed camera in the bathroom instead of an actual person watching. I think this is inhumane to no give me the choice of having a person or a camera, i mean the minutes after you have screened when your cleaning yourself is private and i dont feel people should watch me after the fact..i mean, im a recovering drug addict not a homicidal maniac on death row or a crazed person on suicide watch, can they legally do this?

Will this inverter and battery work together? and

Is Big Labor's exemption from ObamaCare a good example of Crony Socialism?

Can a wild baby bird's wing be fixed?

A baby sparrow ran into my leg yesterday and I did what I could. I've called around town and many vets don't want to take in this bird to mend its wing. One lady I called (who was very rude and blunt) said the birds wing cannot be fixed, that it will have to be euthanized. And sparrows aren't endangered so there's nothing that can be done. She also says it will starve to death. Is this true? Should I give up? If I do find a vet that will see this bird say the same thing? I thought that wings could always get fixed as long as there's a wing to fix?!

2,800 bank staff got more than £1m last year ,good isn't he Camoron?

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Monday, July 18, 2011

How can I boost my self esteem? Please help!?

Whenever I look in a mirror, I tell myself I'm hideous. "/ Until recently, I started calling myself fat. My friends are getting a bit worried about me because I claimed bikini's made my stomach look massive, I hide food in my room, I sometimes starve myself, and sometimes when I go swimming I work past the "I'm tired" stage. I hang out with people who have a high self esteem and feel good about themselves, but I can't help but compare myself to others. I listen to inspirational songs that make you feel good about yourself. I try to raise my low self esteem but I can't. "/ Any advice??

*Easy Points* Which boots do you like better?

I quite prefer the revolve clothing pair. The cross ties on the back of the other pair look a little tacky and don't have the chic, sophisticated look of the revolve clothing pair.

What does this price mean?

On the link it says 599 if you just want to buy it without a AT&T contract but since AT&T has the iPhone they lower the price for their customer.

How to stop cutting help?

hi i am a sweet girl i am in high school i was really bullied really badly when i was little i am really short and sometimes i still get bullied my mom yells at me about my weight i wont2 die last week i start cutting not 2 long a go i have a disability no1 know i cut my self i hate when people tell me i need help or that i am craze and i was Sexual assaults when i was in 3 grade some told my mom that i made them do it and i did not it made me and my mom hard 2 get along i get mistreated mistaken when i ask 4 some1 help they don't believe me i cut so small i wont2 be a singer/actress but been told i am not that good i cant hold on 2 me i wont2 die but so bad but 2 scared 2 i just start cutting with a reazor i am so scared i do thing with out thinking people call me there little angel because i am so sweet i have no1 2 talk 2 my so call friends never text me or ask me 2 hang out just 1 time i would be JR and 18teen soon so should i tell my mom that i am cutting when i am 18ten because she cant do anything every dream i have i feel like it would not come true i am so sick of being sad alone i may seem happy okay mabe a little but i am not i am going 2 be a leader 4 a speical ed camp 4 kids like me it made me happy they say i did better then the pay leader i have freckles and green eyes mixed with bule in them i get call ugly stuipd girl reatred i wont 2 die when some1 say i need help it make me wont 2 more as weird as that sound i know i can i have stop cutting i list 2 music when i feel like comited suicde you know when you overdose you get dizzy ? will i spend my self around when i feel like overdose or wright song and sing them but i still feel like dieing and cutting my famliy yells at me about my weight so i stop eating 4 an hour then eat agin so i would not be anerxice i feel like my dreams are important to help out other like me i cant see a coualser i am scared that she will tell my mom it just me and my mom but she make me feel worthless when she get made at me she call me worthless paice of sh** i get scared she is a good mom but i am so stress out so is she i know she act like i don't help out around i do talk 2 God he help me when i need 2 feel peace but i wont 2 die should i tell my mom how i feel ?i know i am sick Thank ya"ll 4 your help God bless :)

Anorexia and counsellor?

I was diagnosed with anorexia in January and carried on losing weight, I put abit of weight on to make my tutor and counsellor happy for when I completed college which was 2 weeks ago, I have lost all the weight I put on by starving myself for 4 days and lost more aswell :/ I have lost 6lbs since I finished college 2 weeks ago, I forgot that I have to see my counsellor 2mo for a catchup to see how I'm doing :/ I don't know what to do! Because if they see ive lost weight they will ring up clinics for inpatient treatment and its guaranteed they will weigh me 2mo aswell :/ what should I do?? Thanks

I'm not particularly happy.?

i could go on for hours and hours explaining to you what i know, what i dont know, and what i believe in. (however i still dont know about the whole God thing yet.) so here is a video that i watched that started me on an amazing spirtiual journey. (there are 16 parts) and also this is the guy that i stumbled apon that changed my life

Would you ever eat a dog, if in horrible circumstances?

I don't know! that is horrible what Koreans do - I am a huge dog lover! Maybe if it would save my family's life but IT would be the most hard thing ever! I love my dog to much!

Spiritually speaking, can we change the R&S drinking game?

I know that we *drink* whenever redundant questions and remarks are thrown up on here (e.g. Pascal's wager & Atheists relying on "logic"), but since I am on a fitness craze right now (finished my 60 days of Insanity recently), how about instead of a *drink*, we opt for one of the following: 1 pushup, 1 situp (crunch), 1 jumping jack, or 1 body squat. If R&Sers did that, they would look good and feel better about themselves. Any thoughts?

Good Lifting workout and diet to bulk up?

I am a 17 year old boy who is 6 ft 3 in, but only 160 pounds. I am a competitive rower, but I am having trouble keeping up with the guys on my team who are 180-220 pounds. There is a lightweight catergory in rowing, but I am right on the edge, and I don't want to starve myself to stay in it. I want to get big and be less awkward. I was wondering if anyone could give my a lifting plan to get big, and possibly nutritional info to bulk up.

Can crazed lines on a tooth cause sensitivity?

i know cracks do, but what about crazed lines? i'm in so much pain, only sensitive to cold though not heat.

What is wrong with me? I am showing behavioral signs of anorexia but I'm not anorexic. ?

I am not saying I am anorexic, but I've been having some issues with myself for as long as I can remember. I haven't eaten in 3 days and have lost 10 lbs. (I am now 5 foot 6 and 140) I am a very muscular and big boned girl and everyone always says how great of shape I'm in but I see myself as huge. I go through phases like this that last about 4 months all the time. I don't starve myself and I do eat when I need to. I have this willpower not to eat and I get extremely upset with myself when I do eat. My menstrual cycles have also stopped. What is this?

Is there something wrong with me?

Okay, I'll start with I'm a 13 year old girl. In school everyone hates me but it's for no reason. Everyone just talks about me and are mean to me and I try so hard to not let it get to me but it always does. They always say stuff like I have no friends and im ugly and no one will ever like me(even though I have a boyfriend). It just really hurts because I feel like I've done nothing wrong. Then at home my older sister, mom, and dad basically hate. And no I'm not over reacting they actually say that all the time. They just always yell and curse at me and I try to get out of there way and just stay in my room but they just come to my room and yell. My mom has called me a Wh*re, Sl*t, B*tch what ever you can think of. But I'm not any of those and I just take everything to the heart and it hurts alot. And they say stuff like your so fat so I guess I just freaked out about that and started starving myself for days and making myself throwup. I think they know but they dont care. About six months ago I started to cut myself. And yeah I know it's really wrong and it doesn't help but I didn't stop until about three weeks ago. So then I decided maybe it would make me feel better if I told someone. So I told my mom about a week ago. All she said was don't do it again. And I really, really wanted to help myself so I asked her if I could go to therapy and she no. That I couldn't go becaus therapist dont care about people they just want money then she said that we werent going to talk about this again. So now I'm just lost and don't know what to do. I felt proud for actually wanting help then she just said no. People were all "go tell a couseler" but schools over. I have no one I'm really close to eaither... and yeah I have considered killing myself.

What are some sugar free recipes? Any flavour, any meal?

I'm going on a sugar diet soon and I really am trying to prep myself for it. I really don't want to starve myself!!

What are some good subwoofers to buy i have 700.00 to spend?

I have a jl w6 and it's ridiculous... Ppl are shocked and think I have 2 12's and ther scared of it haha... Definitely go with a jl w6

Believers, why follow a god that's so cruel? Is it worth immortality to live under a crazed tyrant?

The Bible talks of god spurring wars, supporting slavery, apartheid, murder, war, he sent bears to maul children to death for teasing a bald man god liked, supported Moses even though Moses was a cold blooded killer, and most importantly what he doesn't do - make people not die. That's the whole catch see, supposedly he can make you live forever but he chooses not to. Instead he chooses to let people be raped and have their **** cut off and die slowly as they scream in terror. If you believe there's a god and he would allow such things, what on Earth would make you want to have anything to do with him?

Looking for someone with a cmp-03 composter. Need help.?

I bought a used cmp-03 composter. It has several small holes for aeration but also has a couple of holes abt 1-1/2 inches in diameter. When I roll it the compost material comes out. Are there supposed to be plugs or something in those holes that are missing? I am new to composting so not sure if those holes are there for a reason. Help.

How can i go vegan i really want to?

Well, meats much more expensive then most other foods. If it's a matter of cost it shouldn't be a problem. Soups are rather good for you and can be pretty inexpensive. Be sure to stock up on plenty of those. Honestly, you'll have to depend on canned or dried foods, not just fresh vegetables. Just a matter of doing research and finding out which canned and dried foods are going to be the healthiest.

5 ft 2 size 10, is this fat?

Size 10 in the UK is different than size 10 in the US. If you weigh 8 1/2st you'd only be about a four or six in the US.

A little bit of breakfast before running tomorrow?

Definitely a good idea to eat something, that starving feeling is your body letting you know that you haven't eaten since dinner, the longest stretch you go without food in the day. Give your body the nutrients so that you can have a good workout. peanut butter and jelly or a protein drink after is good too.

What's the problem with free feeding?

As long as you don't give your dog unlimited access to food, why do you have to pick it up after 15 minutes and starve them for the next 8 or so hours? This makes no sense to me. What is the point of starving your dog? I know if someone took my food before I was done with it and wouldn't let me have a single bite of anything else for 8 hours I would be pissed. So what is the thinking behind starving your dog? All I can think of is it's a way to assert your dominance over them by controlling their food.

What do I do about my life that sucks? No friends? No girlfriend?

Volunteer at a museum or homeless shelter. It'll give you "gushy, I'm helping someone" feeling.

How to diagnose spark failure 2002 dodge neon?

after checking and replacing ckp and cmp and confiming coil pack function pcm continued to throw codes for both position sensors; timing cover was pulled dnd timing belt (new) installation was twice confirmed as correct. pcu was replaced with an identical unit (correct pn according to dodge) from a rear-ended neon-same codes and no spark. this neon was parked by it's prev owner after srtipping the original timing belt at 83K miles, and left sitting over 6 mo without battery power. It is also possible that the replacement pcu has not been powered in some time. So the 64K question is does the pcu now require an expensive reflash at a dodge dealer ?? PS. valve damage was dealt with by replacing the head with an identical unit.

How would you react to a stalker who told you to love them or they would shoot you?

Maybe you don't know, but God is a judge of the Judges, Mankind is sinful and God must judge the world because of it. This is something he has to do.

Why was Bin Ladens body the only one "buried" at sea?

Ok, well I think the picture should be released since it would just put all the conspiricy theories to rest, also he got 2 see the USA after 9/11 so why can we see him? It does not make sence. And as for the other thing of his body being dropped in the sea I don't think that has anything to do with religion. I think it's manly so people don't worship his grave site like a shrine, and have candles and flowers and all that he should not have!

In what year will mankind be duped into giving up all their freedoms and privacy to the government?

A sound philosophy, and a probable prediction, 4 out of 5 stars! (You forgot to mention that some people do fight this)

Are these headphones good(pic)?

Yeah, I had a pair of these, they rocked my socks xD It's was an older version I think and I used that thing till it literally fell apart.

How can I slim down without gaining muscle?

I'm about 6.1-2.5, I weigh about 200-215 pounds, I want to slim down significantly without starving myself or gaining muscle. What kind of diet should I pursue or work outs can I do to achieve this?

Why are my parents so worried for nothing?

They're worried just because I decided to eat minimal junk food because I used to eat a lot, and because I decided I wanted to lose weight I'm 5"2 and I was at like 137 and so I'm like 115-118 now and they're concerned about it because I don't eat like a pig anymore.. I still eat ike 1200 calories a day so it's not like im starving myself. How can I get them to stop worrying? I exercise a lot on my bike too.

Recommendations for a prosumer CAMCORDER?

you show me a dSLR that has SMPTE timecode, genlock, SDI output, XLR mic inputs, headphone audio monitor and maybe it could be compared to a 3 CCD Canon XL H1. go for the H1.

I think my girlfriend is lying to me?

oh my god. i know how you feel. i'm 26/female, but i'll give you my advice. i have looked at my boyfriends phone too, and know that it only makes me worry more about things that i dont even need to sweat over. is it possible she is deleting his texts because she knows you are insecure about him? i am merely suggesting the possibility that maybe the texts are harmless, but she is delelting them to save your feelings and nothing more. i wouldnt jump to the conclusion that her texts are full of "sexual experiments", but if you feel betrayed then you need to let her know.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How long does it take to become a Midwife?!?!?

Hi, I've been wondering this question a lot and I want to become a (CMP) a certified professional midwife. So . . . how long will this take? ALSO, im going to a Community College after high school so how long will it take to become a CMP by going to community college for that. (years)

Why do I feel the need to look perfect?

If you think about it, everything us men do is to attract women. Whether its working out, trying to show off some way, or wanting to be good looking. Who doesn't want that hot goddess for a wife? All you can do is take the need you have to be perfect and use it to make yourself more appealing to women. You may not be able to change your face without plastic surgery, but trust me you dont want plastic surgery. Your best aspect doesnt have to be your face. Keep working out and work on your personality. Those two things will make women more attracted to you.

Do you know any Cool words that could be "Slanged" easily? Please Help!?

I want a cool name on Xbox and for my usernames on stuff.. can you help me think of some words that can be slanged easily..ex. Physics-Fizzics, Crazed-Krazed, .....

Battery powered light for growing mushrooms?

It gepends on the type of mushroom, but most grow in the dark, away from light.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is 12:00 am too late to eat if you're starving?

I haven't been eating lately...idk I just haven't been hungry. I'm very anxious and stressed about something right now so I guess thats why. Anyway, I've only eaten maybe one full meal since Sunday and it's Tuesday night. Yesterday the only thing I had was a slice of pizza but didn't eat the whole thing because I just wasn't hungry. Then this morning I didn't have anything, and I skipped lunch, but my mom, being paranoid, made me eat because I was getting weak. So far today I've had half a chicken and lettuce burrito, and a couple bites of cereal. I'm starving. But it's 12:00 am. Should I eat?

Help me please me how 2 stop wonted 2 cut my self ?

Hi i am a sweet girl with a disability i am in high school in the 10 grade since it almost summer lol i am a JR high school can be so mean okay i cut my self i am not proud of my self i feel so worthless my mom yells at me act like i don't help around i don't eye 2 eye with other people my so call friends never text me or call me in less i call them or text them they leave me out not all of my friends just some where i live i cant tell my mom that i cut she will think i am doing it 4 attention and i am not just a little i feel with so much hate i want 2 die but 2 scared 2 dose that make any sense ? i wont 2 be a singer/actress but some1 has 2 put me down and say that i would not make it i know i can sing sorry 4 the bad spelling i am in choirs i am seeing a therapist soon my mom dose not know i cut i take a Pinnacle down my wrists so the scars are not there i do have faith but i feel so alone scared i have try 2 kill my self my mom dose not know i did i am lucky 2 be alive i took strong pain killers i pray that it would go away and it did i am proud 2 say i don't cut i listing 2 music when i am upset or dance wright but i still feel like i wont 2 cut i have no1 2 talk 2 i don't even know why i go a ph1 i cry i feel sad i have anxiety i wont 2 committed suicide my mom yells at me about my weight so i have stop eating i have lost weight but i got scared that i might have anorexic so i start eating but i eat more of healthy food that i like i didn't think it would of have been addiction my teachers say that i might not be able 2 go 2 college so i brought up my grades i got a 3.09 and any Ward 4 it i feel like i am not important 2 my family or friends my family talk down 2 me so do other people they don't understand i am trying so hard 2 please every1 they only nice 2 me when they wont something i am so scared that i wont 2 die i get bullied i have freckles green eyes mixes with blue i do believe in God i could not walk or talk but i can now i don't look emo i never had a boyfriend but i don't care i will be famous soon if i live but i am just 2 scared and please don't say i am craze it run in the family lol i am always so sweet 2 people i just don't know what 2 do and i lie Alto i was Sexual assustl in the 3 grade and they said since i scream by 3 guys that they were going 2 tell every 1 that i made them do it and so some b******** told my mom that i made them do and i am so scared if i tell her what happened she will not believe she not a good person 2 talk i cant tell any1 at my school that i cut only 4 of my bffs know i cut my self so how can i tell some1 with out telling my mom =(

Why does the body not want to let go of that fat?

I eat all the time, so survival mode and starvation not the case...I'm not starving myself...what gives?

Hey guys, is this camera good enough for beginners?

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Do you think Liverpool did well in the transfer window?

Depends. With Luis Suarez I think they did themselves a favour as he is already a world class player. With Carrol? I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see. In my opinion though Liverpool should've have left Carrol out and bought a level-headed brain in midfield - a player like Fabregas and Xavi that controls the tempo of the game, good passing range maybe Charlie Adams?

This country is ruined...?

You have a lot to say considering your only 15, you should become a politician when your older. For now my friend just enjoy yourself, get laid, smoke weed & peace!

Is it true that you can determine a person's gender using only their writing style?

Doing this plus having a peek at their genitalia will result in 100% correct answers. This a true statement without a doubt.

Tired of starving and binging, how do I diet the right way? What works?

I've done atkins which KILLS me because I LOVE carbs and sweets and yeah, it's not working. I did it a year ago and lost 20 pounds. I've gained about 12 of that back. Total, I'd like to lose 22 pounds. I need a diet that WORKS and I'd like one that works fast, yet I do know slow and steady wins the race. I can eat healthy, but my problem is sweets. What diets have you done? What results did you get?

What Are Some Good DS Games?

Dragon Quest 9, Final Fantasy 3 & 4, Pokemon HeartGold, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Animal Crossing, Chocobo Tales.

What can I do about my terrible life?

dude i am sorry about ur mum (dont hate muslims those ones were just mislead) but what you need to do is go clubbing and party hard (no drugs though) work our, improve your looks. and one of the good things about clubbing is that no matter how badly you fail at picking up chicks all u gotta think is that if u get rejected you will learn and you will 99% chance never meet that person again. having a girlfriend (with a good personality not one who will just add to the damage) wil lift your spirits it will give you a purpose to life, you say you love music, it will give you inspiration. height dont matter for most girls it is 95% personality. you just sound like you need a purpose in life, study hard and socialise even harder. just bear with it bro. when you grow up youll have a family and then you will love life.

Is there an organization with a goal to murder most of the world's population?

Illuminati is in control. They want to kill off 80 to 90% of the population because there are too many to control and the Earth cannot support the number of people on Earth!

What diet would doctors put a person who was starved for two weeks?

Guy was held captive by an organization and then they abandoned the place where they were holding him and he wasn't found for two weeks. He did have a sink with running water so he did stay hydrated.

How would this laptop hold up playing World of Warcraft?

I'd say that laptop is overqualified to play World of Warcraft. It's a pretty old game, that laptop will run it smoothly for sure. I'm not sure about its cooling properties though so I cannot ensure that it may not overheat at some point (since mine does sometimes while playing pc games). So get a cooler as well since that is definitely a must when playing games on a non-gaming computer.

Arrows to be used with mission craze compound bow?

i bought a mission craze compound bow and a few carbon express mutiny 250 arrows i wantedto know wether i can use them or any other arrow please suggest me a good arrow to use

Could my computer handle this graphics card?

that card requires 550w powersupply with 2x6pin cables so if u have atlest that and decent cpu so that doesnt bottleneck ur gpu then yes ur pc can handle that card

Don't you think Vaas should make a test comeback?

What?Are you for real?he is over 37 years old and you want him to make comeback in the test side?He is a bowler, remember and test cricket is very different and tough compare to club cricket.

15 and I don't want sex?

In today's society your desire to refrain from intercourse would be considered taboo by your peers. As to whether or not you are normal, most adults would praise you and say yes, most of your peers would think you a bit odd. I, however, would say that NO, you are not normal. You, sweetie, are EXCEPTIONAL and God bless you for it!

Which states in the northern US do you think are the most hockey crazed, and has more hockey fan freaks?

I'd say Michigan, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Colorado though not geographically north, but have strong, cold winters. Do you know any southern states that might have a fairly decent fanbase?

Where can I buy some shoes that look like the vans sophie shoes but cheaper?

Brother first of all you must tell me your range than i tell you a cheaper and most cheaper place. So don't you worried about that i know one place last weak i was purchased two pairs of shoes with high quality and low price so note this address is this is a hug plate forum that you buy your own style so try

Am I losing it or imagining it?

I have been slowly building muscle in my biceps these last few months. I have upped my protein and overall food intake. Now thist last week, I have not been able to eat a normal amount of food. I got out of the shower today and I looked at my arms and they looked visibly smaller. Now I know that if you do not eat enough, your body digests its muscle. I was how long does it take for a starving body to breakdown muscle and use it for energy? A few days? or like a month?

How do i end a family curse.?

i need help. my whole life, our family has joked about having a family curse. we are good natured and good hearted people that help others. it has been our experience that to be such kind people we suffer so much in life. illnesses, financial issues, love issues. i have always known that my grandfather was native american, you can see it in the photos. dark skin, dark hair 100% Cherokee. my sister tried to do a family tree but is unable to trace our lineage beyond our grandfather. my sister has said that when she was younger, our mother had a conversation with my grandfather and he told her that because of problems in the tribe and hard times during very racially tenuous times that he thought it would be best for the family to change his name in hopes of finding a job easier. that said, he requested of another Caucasian family to adopt him and his brother and take on their last name. my father refuses to believe that story, but my mother swears that my grandfather swore that he never told anyone especially his children what happened. he was born in the 1880's and times were harder and different then. i see the indian descent in my family members and my father says that he is sure his father was full blooded indian, which confuses me. i guess he doesn't want to believe that our lineage and heritage could be cast aside so haphazardly. i think it is a pride thing. while we still have a last name that stems from a name similar to a tribal name (profession linked, such as blacksmith, or taylor or boatswain) i don't see where it made a difference in helping but perhaps because it was the last name of a prominent and well known Caucasian family it was more easily accepted. my grandfather has long passed and my mother cannot remember what he said his original last name was. my sister and i believe that in doing so, my grandfather upset the spirits and have cast negative energy down the line. all who share his last name have suffered. many family members have committed suicide. in most cases they went from fine to crazed without any indication. the suicides were not telegraphed in any way. all were shocking and sporadic and without warning or justification. houses have burned, illnesses evolved. once my sister married, her luck has changed. her children lead a good life. for instance i have struggled all my life to become something, all that i wanted to do was difficult or unachievable, however, my nephew, who has different last name followed in my footsteps and is like a carbon copy of me. and his life has been an easy road. it is like he is what i should have been and the spirits have blessed him to show their anger. i would go into more detail, but i wish to keep some level of privacy because i don't want to risk losing the job i have now, or be frowned upon at work and thought to be crazy. if any one can offer advice or a solution it would be greatly appreciated. i have played music for disabled kids, given stuffed animals at christmas to sick and terminal children, have helped the homeless and many other charitable acts all done unselfishly and most done while still an innocent child. age 13-19. the homeless man that i made a care package for christmas was never seen again so that i could give it to him. we later learned that he got drunk and fell off the curb and was hit by a car and later died of his wounds. he was a classmate of my uncle. the same uncle was to marry and while his fiance was out shopping for a dress she was hit and killed by a bus. he never dated another woman out of his love for her. too many things are too coincidental to not have merit. but i have no knowledge in what to do to remove this curse or whatever it may be. i am doing this for my entire family and future generations and not as a selfish act. unfortunately the state that maintains records will not release any information about my grandfather. all i know is he is of a north carolina indian tribe and was well respected. but i am sure that once he turned his back on his heritage the tribe turned their back on him. his intentions were good because the tribe was gaining stigma for causing trouble and for being undesirables. he only did what he thought was right for his family and lineage. i am sure that if he knew the consequences he would have done differently. from what i know this is as accurate as i can explain to you in order to get the help i need. and i know that my grandfather was a great and kind man. for example if someone asked how was his wife and kid he would get insulted and ask them to leave saying that you do not disrespect my family. he would say my wife is fine and my children are fine. but i do not have kids. goats have kids. and all of my family that i was able to meet would give the shirts off their backs and never asked help from anyone. i guess other than my grandfather asking for the help at a fair shake on life.

Is this a good credit card for students/anyone?

This card looks pretty good. The bonus for good GPA seems to be a plus. I would just make sure to pay the entire balance every month. Another good cash back card is Chase Freedom; however, I believe it is not necessarily targeted to students.

My sister's been very strange?

I'm no Doctor but she may be suffering from schizophrenia. I think that she may need to see a psychiatrist, and maybe you and your family need to do some type on intervention if you think it's drugs. Hope that helps.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can I make varsity softball if I am a beginner but I work my butt off?

I would practice about 4 hours every day june and July. I just have a craze of Playing softball. I am going to be a junior next year and I am only gonna play sports for a year so I want that year to be in varsity and be lettered. Well I think my school team is really good and they also have reached the states and all the schools they play against are awesome too. So do you guys think I can make varsity if I practice a lot and find some kind of training( which is probably gonna be a cheap one)? And is it easier then other sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, track and volleyball? Is it a easy sport to pick up?

What if you found this in your yard....?

Call your animal control people or the ASPCA. They will come and trap them for you, and then they'll be taken away and relocated. Be sure you don't have any birds or cats or any other small animals they would be attracted to. This is happening a lot in different parts of the country with different kinds of animals. Here in TX, we have coyotes that come up into the neighborhoods and grab pets. My sister-in-law lives in AZ in the mountains, and they have bears and wolves that come around. It's because humans have encroached on the animals' habitats.

My boyfriends first impression?

I asked my boyfriend Josh why he loves me so much, probably not the best question to ask a hormone crazed fifteen year old boy. But anyways he replied on the way i smelt and looked, I'm not that tall... i have long blonde hair and turquoise eyes, then he replied to me and your body. And i just want to know is this a common thing for a teenager to say or is it just repulsive?

Why don't I ever have an appetite?

Hey honey, the same thing is happening to me as we speak! However, the only difference is I used to have an eating disorder. It doesn't sound like you do, you're just not hungry. That's the way I am now and I can't explain it either! It sucks. Are you stressed or nervous for something? Anxious or whatever? Or maybe depressed? I'm not any of those and I still have it. I wonder what the real cause of it is! I hope you get better though. Try like a smoothie or something!

Should Camoron be made redundant and work here full time as a volunteer?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why is my sister asking but not my parents?

ask your parents there advise that is what they are there for your sister loves you very much and is concerned because what the tv says about not eating

American company win the �150m contract to run the UK census,CIA have total access to all these UK records?

Has it not occurred to anyone that the UK Census only completed by people like me who don't give a stuff what the totally inept CIA make of 50000000+ facts you give them. I trust the would be terrorists etc. decline the privilege of providing the information if they thought it might impinge on their intended operations. On the other hand they might comply with the legal requirement to complete the census. So now the CIA have nearly 60000000 suspects precisely what will they make of that? I daresay some department in the CIA has academic prodigies who make career paths out of this type of database. Good luck to 'em

Need to figure this out...?

So Im "chubby"(a little weight to lose) But i starve myself and take laxitives becuase I want to be about 100 pounds. Is this an eating disorder if im not anorexic looking or thin? I have lost some weight.

Reina on his future at Liverpool?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How long for blood work results?

Yesterday I had a number of blood tests taken. A lot of them were vitamin levels (b-12, D, K) but also cbc, cmp and tsh. I have a sinus infection that I have been on antibiotics for 5 days but still dont feel great and worse overall.My sinus is a bit better but bodily other and new things feel worse I think unrelated to a head cold.. I am almost hoping the infection shows up on the cbc to try something else. How long does it take for them to come back?

What movie is this? Please Help! It has multiple stories?

This movie has multiple stories. This movie was made over 4 years ago. What I remember from it is a couple goes on a trip to Africa and these two boys from Africa take a gun from someone and they shoot at this bus killing or injuring 1 of the Americans. The investigators of the crime find the gun and the movie then goes onto tell the story about this Asian mans daughter who is sex-crazed and her father was the man who gave his gun to the African. The movie constantly switches the story thats being told from different perspectives, and all these people from different parts of the world are connected by the shooting.

Ballerinas and ballet instructors please?

so, as the entire world knows, there's been a huge recent ballet craze. now, i know how difficult it is to learn and perfect, i danced for years before i had to quit. but lots and lots of dancers and instructors are putting videos of lessons on youtube and other sites. so, do you think people will actually be able to teach themselves to dance? those who can't afford real lessons or don't have the time. is this a viable method of teaching?

Sims 3 Late Night: My Sims are stuck!?

So my Sims had a party at the Prosper Room, and it's now a day later and they're stuck there. I try to get them home, but they just stand around the elevator on the to floor and tap their feet. My girl Sim is pregnant and is about to starve to death. The ResetSims cheat didn't work. Help!

NHS trusts in north-west ban 57 types of surgery Are they dismantling the NHS?

Doubtless the South West will be targeted next followed by Wales and Scotland and maybe Northern Ireland. I expect the South East will be protected, as of course that really is so precious in comparison to the rest of the UK. I'm disgusted, because I work for the NHS and I thought the government said that the Health care system would be left alone, so much for that, bloody liars!!!!

Presents for 21st Birthday.?

Idk but at his party you should hve him say alright everyone who's ready for the drinking. Then have him hand out bottled water

What reasons do doctors ask you to come in to see about your blood results? ?

Im 2o years old and I went to the doctors because my neck was a little swollen, I was fatigue, sore throat, headache, mild fever and was spitting up mucus for about a week in a half..I heard on the news that alot people have been getting the flu but im pretty nervous cause I had the doctor do a regular blood test CBC, CMP, some other routine test and so scared cause I was told to come in and all the symtoms I had were really scary diseases like hiv:/

Any guesses why Obama chose GE's CEO as adviser?

GE is a huge beneficiary of all of O's "green" frauds, and in return Immelt says nice things about Dear Leader. A mutual back scratch, to the detriment of Americans.

Is the HP Pavilion Elite hpe-510y good for gaming?

Here is the link to the PC I am talking about: a href=";+II+Processor+/+8GB+Memory/1757159.p?id=1218289374821&skuId=1757159&cmp=RMX&ref=06&loc=01&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=1757159" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should I seek Professional help?

I've been depressed before, but I have recently overcome it (or so I think). I am now more capable of having fund day to day and I stopped stressing about schoolwork, but now that schools out I've been having some problems. Last summer I spent a lot of time alone and it was very therapeutic for me, but its not having the same effects now. Sometimes when I am alone I have these like mini panic attacks or something. I sit in the middle of a room in the fetal position and just cry into a pillow (so that my family won't hear) for what seems like hours but is really only between 20 and 45 minutes and I feel like my world is collapsing on to me. I just get really scared that I'll never have fun, I'll just live at my parents house for the rest of my life, never go to college, no one will ever love me, I'll somehow remain a teenager forever, and my life will remain monotonous and the boring. This is really strange I think because logically this doesn't make sense. I have nearly straight A's and a 2200 SAT score. I just have this really strong want to be an adult and I don't know why because you're supposed to love being a kid. I just all of a sudden get really scared and I can't move and I just feel like screaming. Sometimes I feel theses attacks coming on and I get really scared and I've found that I can avoid them by immediately distracting myself. Is this a medical condition? Should I tell my parents (we're not that close so it would be awkward and they would probably say I'm being a drama queen and it would be weird. I once slipped in that I used to be depressed and they rolled their eyes)? Should I just wait this out like I did with depression? I don't know it seems that I don't really heal myself when I'm having symptoms of mental problems, it just turns to something else. When I was eight i starved my self,then attempted bulimia, and then just hated my self, then was happy, then became a control freak,then was happy, then was anti-social, then was depressed, then was happy, and now I'm 17 and this. Grr, I wish my brain would get it together, this is such a bother.

I needa knw hw 2 drop 20 pounds reaaal quick! Like in a month! I'll do anything!?

Im desperate! Eating disorder, starving, exercise, strict diet.. Watever if it actually works i'l do it! I just need to do this. And dnt nag about how unhealthy it is. Idgaf.

M1Garand Reassembly Issue?

I recently purchased a H&R Service grade M1 Garand for the CMP, it is fully operational, or at least it was. I decided to field strip the weapon to get a better idea of how the gun works, and how it is field stripped. I followed the instructions exactly on how to field strip the weapon. But as I began to reassemble it, I was able to get the trigger housing to fall right in, but when I tried to push over the trigger guard it would go half way and stop, and with a lot of pressure will get 3/4 of the way there, I do not want to break the weapon, but is it neccessary to push do with immense force. Any help will be appreciated.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is 50" is big for a TV i'm thinking of getting for a living room?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I didnt wait 30 minutes after going to the dentist?

they told me to wait 30 minutes after leaving to eat or drink anything but i was starving so i got McDonald's what is going to happen?

Why is Justin Bieber's album called?

My world 2.0 I mean, he doesn't have 2 worlds!!! And wht up with the .0 thing?! It's so lame. Please, I don't need crazed JB loving fans, just some level headed people with answers. :)

How can you tell what genera is currently popular?

To maximize the chance the book you're writing will be published, it helps to write about something that's currently popular. Is there a way to find out what sort of story people are currently flocking to? I tried asking people and get mixed answers. Like some love vampires and werewolves thanks to Twilight, Vampire Diaries and True Blood while others are like totally sick to death over such stories. Same thing when asked about magic stories and the whole Harry Potter craze. Is there a way to see actual numbers on what people are buying in the book stores or getting published?

Question about metabolic panel?

I had a CMP done. There was no fasting or drinking of glucose drink involved. I just had to go in whenever I felt like it. My results were given to me at the lab and I was wondering if anyone could help interpret them for me. Normal Glucose levels were between 70/110 mg and my result was 110, K came back at 3.5 and normal levels were 3.5-5.0, and my AST and ALt were low ASt being 9 and ALT being at 27. The normal ranges for the AST were between 15-37 and range for ALt was 30-65.What do lower than normal levels of AST and ALT mean? Im asking because i have been very dizzy and nauseous and also suffer from hyperthyroidism. Any help would be appreciated.

How to lose weight fast? ?

I want to lose 20 lbs. I'm 110 right now, and I wannna get down to 90. ( don't try to talk me out of it. I know my body.) I'm built small, but I want to lose the weight fast and effectively. I don't want to starve myself or anything. And I work out. Also,haha just wondering, I'm a C cup right now, if I lose weight how will it effect my bra size? (Im 21. Done growing.)

Is Game Stop doing a midnight launch for Duke Nukem Forever?

Seems like there's plenty of crazed fans that played Duke Nukem on the early 90s to merit a midnight launch.

I NEED HELP please with a love problem/weight problem too!?

Hello my name is Mario, I am 13, I am overweight with a BMI of 27.5, I realllly like this girl, I asked her out, but she rejected me, obviously because i am fat, in Egypt (my home country) I WAS SOO SKINNY, my metabolism was SOO FAST, i was underweight, until i came to the U.S. i started getting really fat, so yea, back to the girl, shes like my bestfriend, the other day, i went to a feast, and she was txting me, to meet in the parkin lot, she talked to me, and then b4 she left she just ran up to me and hugged me, it felt really good, then i went home, i felt ashamed, I am fat, i was in the shower, thinking, what if i was skinny, and muscular, and i hugged her, wouldnt she like it, and mayb go out wit me, and i looked at myself, felt REALLY ashamed, I really need help, i got rejected so many times because of my fat, I need help, DIETING? LIFTING WEIGHTS? Starving myself? anything, just please please please please help me!! :(, pleas, thank you very much in advance ! :)

Good songs to listen to when your pissed and heartbroken?

My bf used me and messed with my emotions, got what he wanted and is now done. So I'm hurt, because I trusted him and gave him something I cant get back. But I'm pissed cause he's a selfish sex crazed asshole. So any suggestions? I like eminem and hollywood undead, so stuff kinda like that? Thanks :)

I think I have an eating disorder, and I think its affecting my growth?

I've been doing this since probably 5th grade, and im going into 8th grade now. basically i'll be really careful about what I eat, counting calories and over exercising. and then a few days later, I'll go totally overboard and load up on junk food. then i'll feel totally guilty and starve myself. It feels like i've been doing this for so long that it would seem weird not to tighten my abs to avoid having a slight pooch, or weird not to look in the window or mirror everywhere i go, wondering if i look fat. but now I feel like my eating habits are stunting my growth because im not getting the nutrients i need. Help me please??!

Why is bernie movin' like that?

I was introduced to the new dance craze by my homosexual friend. Now I just want to know why Bernie is moving. Second of all, I just want to know who Bernie is and what is possibly in his pants. Third where and what inspired him to move with such grace.

Physical reflection of the human race inward and outward is part of the reason/ cause?

Change the Ph level a little and watch how the refractions cause a different kind of reflection. A little change here and there and the whole refraction of physically extrinsic stimulus and subjecting the individual in such ways that the reflections coordinate with reality different. The problem is finding the right combination of chemicals under which individuals are able to come to a peace that works externally too. And in that we have so many individuals on this planet each making a footprint and each in some way making reality for all of us, getting so many individuals to think the same way so as to concentrate the energies for the better of man etc etc. We have long realized the need for this and beleive me mankind is heading for this sooner or later if he isn't already doing so.

Baby White's Tree Frog?

I have a very small baby Whites Tree Frog. I'm afraid he is close to death, because I haven't seen him eat at all and he looks extremely skinny, almost starved. I've tried waxworms, mealworms, and crickets that are all small enough for him to eat, but he doesn't seen to eat. I've even tried to hand feed him, but that doesn't work either. We got him mid-April, and I'm not sure how much he's eaten since, but it's enough to barely keep him alive. Any suggestions on what to do? Or do you think he's doomed?