Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm not bulimic.. am I?!?

I'm overweight.. 5ft 7.. 175 lbs.. but I do binge and purge. I wake up every morning.. feeling fine.. I go eat.. but it always turns into binging.. After I binge, I feel terrible. I hate it when I binge, I feel so fat when I binge, I feel like a big fatass when I do.. I always feel terrible after I do.. so what goes threw my mind is.. "I'm so fat.. I need to get rid of this.." so I purge. I have only been doing this for a week (the purging part) but if I binge I also might starve myself for a few days (depending on how much I binge) I hate gaining weight.. It's been becoming a huge fear.. Is this considered bulimia..? I'm 13 btw..

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