Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Help!! My cockatiel seems sick!! D:?

My cockatiel, Shannon, has laid 3 eggs recently and my male cockatiel, Shadow, has been very aggressive toward anything that moved. Shadow always seems so kind and caring one second and then the next, he's a crazed killer and just about rips poor Shannon apart :( Her feet are all torn apart and stripped of skin. We want to separate them but shannon needs the box of eggs to lay eggs and shadow needs to sit on the eggs. I was just wondering if Shannon will be alright, she can barely walk and hold onto perches. My mom wouldn't let me clean her wounds so theres still blood all over her. My mom refuses to let me wash Shannon's feet and then dry them wen they are clean. She instead made Shannon sit there bleeding for half an hour until it dried. Now the blood is stained everywhere on her feet and feathers. My mom had to be stubborn.

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