Friday, July 22, 2011

Secretly loving your best female friend?

We're boy and girl and we're best friends. We just finished our first year of college. At one point we had a short fling after she broke up with her bf, i could tell she was getting tired of him and eventually ended it. Anyways, stuff happened and she got a boyfriend 3 or 4 months ago. I guess i still held feelings for her and still do though not as much. She's my best friend and aside from her boyfriend I'm second closest to her. We're so close in fact that people find it strange how much time we spend alone and what we do, but she's comfortable with it as am i because of what we are. But sometimes the love-crazed side of her takes over and she devotes everything to her bf. Ive written whole papers for her, stayed up all nite to wait for her texts, but if something is inconvenient for her she can seem a different person. She'll txt me but it wont be the same, txts that resemble status updates and mere acknowledgements to what i say, and i know on the otherside she's having a meaningful convo with her significant other. Thats just an example, and things like that torture me everyday tho i try not the think so much about them. im sure people have experienced something like this... how can i get over it? I feel when im with her or having a great convo with her i dont even need a gf

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