Thursday, July 14, 2011

How many Gazans have starved to death?

None. Food products flow freely between Israel, Gaza and Egypt. Hamas has made certain that food costs, while high, are no higher then in any other 3rd world country....they don't want to lose the support of the people....that makes sense politically and Hamas is an effective political machine. In most countries as badly run as Gaza generally is food costs take up to 80% of a families income. Gazans spend more like 60% of their incomes. The UN keeps track of these kinds of statistics. I suspect that they publish this information from time to time. The last time I researched a similar question food supplies weren't a real problem in of's a big problem..people actually do starve there. Of course many Gazans have no income and are supported in whole or in part by various charities. They receive various food suppies at centers set up by the UN, the Red Cresent and certain muslim charity organizations or directly from Hamas itself. Hamas to it's considerable discredit spends considerable money on military hardware, at least as much as food aid if not more. Exactly where all the money comes from is a real mystery.Eexactly where all the money goes is a bigger mystery.

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